√ Naruto Senki Mod Moba Mugen Apk 2020 - Gapmodsenki


Naruto Senki Moba Mugen APK V1.7 Download Terbaru 2020 Syarifad - Update nih gan, yg modern buat bulan January 2020. Kali ini gw admin gapmodsenki akan update lagi buat game Moba Mugen dengan versi V1.7 Apk versi paling baru 2020 karya berdasarkan Syarifad. Silahkan pribadi download saja game Naruto ini jika ingin memainkan. Untuk ukuran file adalah sekitar 100Mb.

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Anda nir perlu risi karena game ini perdeo buat dimiliki seperti pada versi APK full character yg memang sanggup diunduh gratis buat dimainkan. Meskipun game ini nir ada di Google Playstore, game ini masih kompatibel menggunakan banyak versi Android.

Perlu diingat sobat semua, bahwa Naruto Senki Mod Moba Mugen yg rilis di tahun 2020 ini kebanyakan mempunyai berukuran apk yg cukup besar , hal ini dikarenakan poly menggunakan impak skill dan jutsu yang semakin cantik, bahkan lebih rupawan lagi saat kalian bermain. Jadi bila seseorang mencari berukuran 25MB itu aku sarankan mencari versi lain terlebih dahulu.Deskripsi Naruto Senki Mod Moba Mugen V1.6 by Syarifad

Di blog gapmod ini jua masih ada link download full character naruto senki mod apk yang mudah dan tidak berputar misalnya pada youtube. Nanti saya akan memberikan poly pilihan yg sanggup anda coba mainkan, diantaranya versi awal, versi modern dan juga ada naruto senki mod apk all character spesifik buat pembaca setia blog ini.

Sedangkan bagi kalian yang ingin mencari game modern mampu mendownloadnya menurut postingan terkini kami yang berjudul Moba Mugen Apk Full CharacterNama Game : Naruto Senki Mod Moba MugenVersi Game : 1.7Ukuran Game : 100 Mb Mod By : SyarifadSubscribe : Youtube AdadroidFeatures Moba Mugen V1.7 Apk DownloadBUFF

reduce cold skill 1 layla from 10 seconds to 5 seconds

add 1 badang damage skill from 200 to 220 and

increase damage to 3 badang skills from lima per hit to 19 per hit

remove the 3 stord skill effect of the gord and add damage to skill tiga

gord from 120 to 160 and reduce cold gown skills by 1 gord

reduce cold skill 1 hanabi from 30 to 25

deals damage to skill dua lolita and increases skill duration dua

increase damage 1 guinevere skill from 180 to 200

expand the range of the gum skill from 50 to 80

increase damage skill 2 natalia from 400 to 600 and reduce

coldown skill tiga natalia from 30 seconds to 27 seconds, coldown

 skill 2 natalia from 15 seconds to 10 seconds, coldown skill 1 natalia 15 seconds

 to 12 seconds, and gives additional damage in Natalia's basic attack

increase damage to 1 monster zhask skill from 17 per hit to 20 per hit

reduce the cold guinevere skill tiga from 27 to 24

increase damage skill 2 dyrroth from 60 to 90

reduce the 2 eudora's coldown skills from 8 seconds to 5 seconds

reduce cold skill 1 hanabi from 25 to 20 and

reduce cold skill skill 3 habiabi from 80 to 70

reduce coldown skill 1 miya from 18 seconds to 16 seconds and

add damage buff in skill 1 miyaNERF

reduce the blood of eudora from 4000 to 3500

reduce layla blood from 4000 to 3500 and

reduce damage to 1 layla skill from 160 to 60

reduce blood inflammation from 4800 to 4000 and

add 3 badang coldown skills from 30 to 35

Reducing gum blood from 3500 to 3000

Reducing karrie blood from 3500 to 3000

reduce habiabi blood from 3700 to 3500

reduce argus blood from 5000 to 4000

reduce damage to tiga jonshon skills

reduce blood pressure from 4500 to 4000

reduce damage skill dua eudora from 100 to 70

reduce blood cyclops from 4000 to 3000 and

reduce the damage skills of dua cyclops from 345 per hit to 335 per hit

reduce the blood of buff monsters from 65000 to 50000

reduce the damage of the hayabusa shuriken from 175 to 125 and

increase cold skill 1 hayabusa from 5 seconds to 8 seconds and

add cold skill dua hayabusa from 15 seconds to 18 seconds

reduce damage skill tiga glass gatot from 350 to 300

increase cold skill dua gord from 10 to 15 and

reduce damage skill dua gord from 300 to 270 as well

add 3 gord coldown skills from 25 to 30

reduce lolita blood from 8000 to 7000

reduce damage skill 1 chou from 340 to 330

reduce skill damage to 2 layla from 155 to 140

reduce blood hayabusa from 3500 to 3000 and

reduce the damage of the hayabusa shuriken from 180 to 165REVAMP DAN EFEK TERBARU

updated skill tiga chou and the latest effects on skills 1 and tiga

add lightning effect to the dua gatot glass skill

Adds effect to the 3 Hanabi skill

updated skill 3 cyclopsSKIN TERBARU

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Link Download Naruto Senki Moba Mugen V1.7

apabila Naruto Senki by Syarifad ini nir bisa diinstall, silahkan coba uninstall Narsen usang yg Anda miliki, kemungkinan file crash, dan jika masih nir bisa kemungkinan game tersebut nir cocok dengan perangkat Anda alasannya adalah yaitu game ini sudah pada test untuk dimainkan oleh modder narsen sebelum diupload jadi sudah niscaya sanggup dimainkan.Silahkan share blog gapmodsenki ini bagi kawan-kawan lainnya supaya sanggup menikmati game ini juaServer1

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